
Moochdocking Through the 2021 Holidays

Although we were in the RV part of 2020, we spent the holidays in our San Ramon home that year.  I was apprehensive about the holiday season full-time in the RV, but thanks to wonderful friends and family our holidays were not as awkward as I thought they’d be.  In fact, the love people showed us from Thanksgiving all the way through the New Year reminded me that good friends, family, peace and love is at the core of the holiday season and guys, you brought it!  So thank you!

Following our time in Pacific Grove with Katherine and Andrew, we spent some time in the Bay Area visiting additional friends and family, who we’ve missed so much.

The first evening we stayed with friends, Jesus and Margarita in Redwood City who made us a wonderful meal.  It was so fun to catch up with them on work, the updates to their gorgeous house and their family.  They’re so warm, welcoming and full of life.  It was a short but great visit!

Further up the peninsula we stayed with friends Carrie and Wally (and their sweet dog Susie) overnight.  Another amazing meal, plenty to drink and wonderful conversation!  I wish we could have stayed longer but alas, my stylist was next on the list!

Got my hair done by my friend, and the best hairdresser I know, Caroline Tolentino in Burlingame before heading to the East Bay.  It was weird not to go “home” to our old house in San Ramon, but instead stayed in a Livermore campground as we completed some “chores” like Bailey’s annual  vaccinations. 

We pulled up to our friends, Donna and Bob’s house for an afternoon of Livermore wine tasting and dinner out, with their entire kitchen undergoing a major renovation!  They were kind enough to split a bottle of Daou with us.  They’ve both got demanding careers and a great sense of humor so it’s always a fun time when we can visit.

After a visit to our storage unit for some strategic weight shedding/offloading, we made our way to Sonoma for some time with Doug’s Aunt and Uncle.  They are the most gracious hosts and world travelers themselves so it’s fun to hear about their adventures and recommendations.

By Mid December we’d made our way back down to Fresno to spend a few days with friends Alan, Flora and their beyond-cute son, Jules.  We spent our days kicking it at their house, playing with Jules, picnic lunches by the river, a football game, and picking fresh fruit.  There’s an ease in our visits with them that we just love!

With cold weather coming, we headed south for the winter.  Doug took me to Indio for my birthday.  We had great food, visited Shields Date Garden, and some some holiday lights and animals at the zoo the  while also doing some 2022 trip planning.

We spent Christmas with my sister, Chelsea and brother-in-law Kyle at their new place in Las Vegas.  Kyle treated all of us to the Beatles Cirque de Soleil with was absolutely incredible (and very generous of him).  Christmas was just awesome as my sister and I hadn’t been together on Christmas since I was in college!  The four of us also saw some hotel holiday lights, went to the Neon Museum, toured some homes they were looking at, and went to the Fremont Street Experience

As we rolled out of town, we made a quick stop at the installation art in the desert southwest of Las Vegas called Seven Magic Mountains and then camped at Kelso Sand Dunes in the Mojave National Preserve (see related post here) where we rang in the New Year. 

Early January was spent in Phoneix with our friends, Cindy and Leo Grabowsi and with Doug’s son, Hayden, daughter-in-law Tressa and granddaughter Claire.  Absolutely delightful on all accounts!

As we reflected on 2021, we continue to marvel at fortunate we are to have a wonderful family as well as friends we consider extended family who are willing to open their homes to us.  Not only do they provide some respite from the RV and being isolated on the road, but they make us laugh, encourage us and reinvigorate us!  There is no way to express how much that means and how much we love each and every one of you.  Thank you so much!

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