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Scenic Cycling Travel

Horse Around in Lexington KY

Lexington KY is home to the Kentucky Horse Park. Before you stop reading, I don’t know my Fox Trotter from my Appaloosa!  I was never one of those 13-year-old girls with a room full of plastic ponies (in fact…


Honk And A Wave Through Frankfort

From Louisville KY we were headed to Lexington and while we have become state capitol city geeks, I promise you, heading through Frankfort was the most direct route.  It was! Louisville had also peaked my interest in bourbon.  We’d…


Three Day RV Trip To Louisville

Kentucky is known as “the bluegrass state”, but when I think of Kentucky, I think Kentucky Derby, bourbon, KFC, and Daniel Boone.  With this in mind and knowing that my friend Katherine had grown up in Louisville, I asked…


Talk Bourbon to Me

Kentucky law gives you just 48 hours upon entry into the state before you must begin drinking bourbon.*  Since we’d scheduled a Mammoth Cave tour (post here) for our first day in Kentucky, we knew day 2 would require…


Mammoth Cave

Mammoth Cave is just that – the world’s longest known cave system with more than 400 miles explored to date.  This national park in central Kentucky lies in a limestone belt that extends from southern Indiana through Kentucky and…