Monthly Archives:

February 2023

Scenic Cycling Travel

Fort Pickens And Final Thoughts on Florida

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about touring the eastern U.S., it is that it’s the setting of a tumultuous past.  The many skirmishes and change of control in different areas between the Spanish, the French, and the English,…


I Love A Parade!

Our second HipCamp site in Florida was in the town of Apalachicola.  Say that 3 times fast. We met the fun-loving owner of the house, after having a little trouble with the electrical, which was quickly remedied.  She and her significant…


Bursting The Villages Bubble

I had never heard of The Villages before driving through this area of Florida in February 2023.  The Villages is a huge, active, over 55 retirement community that’s larger than Manhattan and covers three Florida counties. It has over…

Scenic Cycling Travel

Expanding Our Horizons In And Around Inverness

From St. Pete‘s we continued creeping north in Florida, waiting for warmer weather before leaving the state all together.   First stop, Sparcia Witherell Family Winter and Vineyards, a Harvest Host.  We had no idea until we arrived that the…