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September 2023

Travel Uncategorized

Idaho’s State Capitol and Other Fun Facts

Visiting state capitol buildings and presidential libraries are great ways to learn history.  Not only are the state capitols usually pretty elaborate, but they almost always have interesting facts about the state.  Boise’s capitol building was no different.…


On Paper, Salem Looks Pretty Good

We originally thought we’d take a year travel sabbatical, see some of the country and maybe look for other places besides northern California to retire.  When we started the journey (now nearly 4 years ago!) I thought someplace we…


When Your Hometown Is Unrecognizable

Is the picture above Napa?  Sonoma? Paso Robles?  No, no, and no.  This is not even in California!  It’s Newberg, Oregon – the small town where Doug spent many of his formative teenage years.   We’ve been here a couple…