Have you ever known someone who’s a magnet for the weird? My sister is that person…the world presents her with the strangest opportunities and she often finds herself in situations that just don’t happen to most people. Like a hound in search of his next meal, the extraordinary tracks her down. It’s fascinating and endlessly entertaining on any given day.
As early as 3 years old she talked about “her other life” and “other mom” which at age 8 completely creeped me out. Despite this (or maybe because she grew out of it), I’m proud to call her my best friend. She’s sweet, empathetic, patient, and loyal…almost to a fault…maybe because she was bullied for unknown reasons in school. She’s an extremely talented photographer, is always stylish while only shopping at thrift stores, loves everything about the ‘80s, and has the kind of beauty that turn heads when she walks in a room but she doesn’t recognize this in herself so is unpretentious and (like my brother) can get to know a room full of strangers easily by the end of the event. She’s had a myriad of unusual jobs like being a Myer’s Rum Girl, riding the short bus (to help special needs students), modeling for flyers advertising raves, being on online weight loss coach and managing a clothing store serving larger than average sized women (despite being a size 0 herself) because she finds common ground with anyone and everyone. She admires talent and creativity and has only had one long term relationship with someone who didn’t perform regularly in a rock band.
As a recent example of the universe throwing weird her way, she applied online for an opportunity to be on a reality show that helped people resolve hair growth issues…because she claims that ever since a good friend of hers over plucked her eyebrows, she hasn’t grown any. The producers called her or so she thought.
In reality, the caller was producing a trivia game show (which she never applied for) but she thought they were calling about her brows so she spoke incessantly about them during the phone screening. When they asked if she could bring friends, she said she could bring the friend that had overplucked her brows. “One more?”, they asked. “Sure”, she said. Can you believe the producer didn’t catch on to the fact that she thought she was interviewing for brow help?! Yup…in the unusual universe she lives in, she ended up on a trivia game show that aired in June of 2021. Her team won $1000.
SIDE NOTE: She recently got her eyebrows tattooed on, so that all worked out as well.
My sister, Chelsea, is one of a kind. The eyebrow story above is just one example of the literally 100s more like it. She’s the absolute best, but I have really digressed, so let’s talk travel…
Eyebrows Before Eyebrows After
Near her home in Santa Clarita in October, we hiked Runyon Canyon Park for great views of LA. We also walked the Santa Monica pier, rode bikes along Venice beach and had a patio dinner out with my stepsister Kaytee. All were great outdoor activities, coordinated by her soulmate, Kyle, and perfect for 2020. We also heard and quickly fell in love with Kyle’s latest band, Neon Coven.
Following the sale of our home in northern CA we hit the road again in February 2021…heading back the way we came through Fresno and then to Paso Robles, CA. We connected with my sister and Kyle for some wine tasting in Paso Robles in February, touring of Morro Bay and a drive to see elephant seals just north of Cayucos.
The weather we had in Paso Robles in October and February was superb. While Sonoma, CA is most known for its wine themed downtown “square” – a park surrounded by boutiques, restaurants, bakeries, and of course, wine bars – Paso has a similar layout and feel but with less crowding – think Sonoma 25 years ago. Loved it!
We went to two wineries with Chelsea and Kyle – Eberle and Tooth and Nail. Doug and I also enjoyed Four Sisters Ranch, Daou, Opolo and Calcareus in this area.
Cycling Paso RV Park View
At Eberle Tooth and Nail
Downtown Paso
Harvest Host
Chelsea and Kyle were staying in Morro Bay so during that weekend we met there to walk main street, view its iconic rock at the far end of the bay from the docks and enjoy the playful otters!
Morro Bay Otters
Bailey, Doug and I had spent some time at the beach in Cuyacos previously (but apparently missed the world class cinnamon roll shop so will need to go back!) so we drove through with Chelsea and Kyle, headed north to find elephant seals…and boy did we! These guys are tough to miss during mating season with the males weighing in at near 4000lbs and muscling around these females who are typically about ¼ of their size. A good reminder that the animal kingdom can be cruel as there is no #metoo movement in the elephant seal world. Nonetheless, fun to watch these seals lounging on the beach, trying to avoid the males and throwing sand over themselves…often onto their unappreciative neighbors.
The next time I saw my sister was at my stepsister Kaytee’s wedding in LA.
Chelsea and Kyle Dad, Stepmom, me, Chelsea and Doug Beautiful Kaytee
As always, loved spending time with my sister in central and southern CA and I’m thrilled she’s found someone in Kyle who enjoys the weird she attracts as much as I do! He’s the perfect addition to our family.

Paso Robles, Morro Bay and Cuyacos are worth checking out, not just for great wine and vine covered hills, but also pretty beaches, quaint downtowns, and entertaining sea life.
If travel isn’t in your near future, check out Kyle’s latest Neon Coven album. The entire album (download here) rocks! You can also follow Neon Coven on Instagram @neoncoven.