Boondock With Bailey Travel

Grand Canyon 2023

From Phoenix we headed north.  We whizzed past Flagstaff and up Hwy 89 where we turned left near Cameron on Hwy 64 for some scenic views of the canyons along the Little Colorado River.

Our destination?  None other than one of our all time favorite National Parks – the Grand Canyon!

You may recall that we were there twice in 2021  (post here with more info on the area).  I said these things a few times to those who ask, but I’ll say it once more here:

  • This park is not overrated.
  • A description will never capture the immense wonder of the Grand Canyon so I won’t try here.
  • A picture will never do it justice and the reason is you have to be there to feel it steal your breath away.

Although a little hazy when we were there in May, our repeat hike of the Grand View Trail did not disappoint!

What hikes down must come back up. Ugh!

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