Lifestyle Travel


We were able to spend part of February and part of March 2021 in Phoenix visiting

  1. our friends, the Grabowskis,
  2. Doug’s family friends Sharon and Brian Herndon, and
  3. Doug’s son, Hayden, daughter-in-law, Tressa, and their new bundle of joy, Claire.

Never a dull moment with the Grabowskis.  We were able to complete some RV repairs with Leo’s help and as always, enjoyed our visit (more here).

Doug’s parents have been friends with the Herndons since Doug was in grade school and they were kind enough to invite us to their new home in Arizona which was nothing short of stunning!  From the guest casita, to the infinity pool with fountains; from the the wall-to-wall glass doors that open on one side to open air courtyard and on the other to the deck and pool, we thoroughly enjoyed the home tour, dinner with them and the opportunity to hear about their current RV/coach and the acquisition of this beautiful home.  Plus, Sharon made a great vodka lime tonic that has since become my summer go-to!

Claire, our first grandchild, has extremely busy parents.  In fact, her dad works two jobs, one of them night shift for the Phoenix police department, and is getting a masters degree online through UPenn.   Between work, taking care of 2 dogs and Claire they can use a little help and lucky for Claire she has a live-in aunt, who while going to school herself on line, is helping out this year.   Despite their crazy schedules, we were able to spend some time with Claire and their family over a few afternoons and some fun meals when Claire was almost 4 months and again at almost 5 months.  We are so appreciative, proud, and impressed with all that they’re staying on top of. 

Did I mention that Claire is our first granddaughter?  I suppose like all grandchildren she is the smartest, funniest, and cutest EVER.  Frankly, she has stolen our hearts and we don’t care if she ever gives them back!

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