
Hiking in Robert H. Treman State Park

Doug and I are beyond fortunate to have good health, supportive friends, family that keep us grounded, and great careers that have now afforded us this opportunity to travel.  In general, we’re living the life a lot of people dream of and if you follow this blog, our Instagram account, or Facebook, you know that we’ve been to some truly spectacular places, but that often requires unspectacular days of preparation.  Plus, just like everyone, we pay bills, grocery shop, do laundry, curse the IRS, sometimes get sick, sometimes bicker, and sometimes have bad days. 

The hike at Robert H. Treman State Park in the NY Finger Lakes Region was one of those days for me.  The park, itself, was spectacular, but I was not. 

Treman Park Hike in a Nutshell 
by Wendy Heigel

If you’re climbing too fast summer season
Don’t snap at your spouse for no reason
Stomping off in a huff, you may miss some good stuff
And later regret you yelled treason

But you’ll never admit you were wrong
You’ll just scowl from the stairs and move on  
Past a bridge and a fall, ‘til the stairs hug the wall
You’ll march faster until he is gone

Soon the gorge opens up with a flare
The tall falls hit the rocks with fanfare
It won’t cause you to linger since you gave him the finger
And hiked solo to a place you should share 

Yup, gave ‘em the middle finger at Finger Lakes for something that wasn’t even his fault.  Not my proudest moment as a wife (or as a person for that matter!). 

Regardless, I think we’d both highly recommend this incredibly beautiful hike.   There were portions of it that gave me Indiana Jones vibes! I’d love to do it again some day side-by-side with Doug.  LOL!

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