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Idaho’s State Capitol and Other Fun Facts

Visiting state capitol buildings and presidential libraries are great ways to learn history.  Not only are the state capitols usually pretty elaborate, but they almost always have interesting facts about the state.  Boise’s capitol building was no different.

Boise is the most populous city in the state of Idaho, but with just 240,000 people, you’ve probably guessed or suspected that Idaho is not a highly populated state,  In fact only New Mexico, the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska have less population density.  This means also that they have no major sports teams, limited cultural experiences, and a small airport.  What Idaho lacks in these areas though it makes up for in natural landscapes.

Boise has the Boise Foothills, the Boise River including the Boise River Greenbelt, and nearby mountains, including Bogus Basin.  The city positions itself as a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering hiking, biking, skiing, fishing and white water rafting.  Their trails, parks, and open spaces network provides easy access to nature and encourages an active lifestyle.

The Idaho state capitol underwent significant renovation and restoration between 2007 and 2009.  They updated mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems as well as restoration work on the interior and exterior.  

Some statehood facts about Boise from the capitol tour:

  • In 1860 Elias Davidson Pierce trespassed on the Native American Nez Perce land reserved by the Treaty of 1855, discovered gold and started a mining boom.
  • Averell Harriman founded the Sun Valley Resort, home of the world’s first chair lift.
  • In 1939, Joe Albertson opened his first grocery store in Boise.
  • Potlatch and Boise Cascade timber companies along with Morrison Knudson construction company grew dramatically with the housing boom post WWII.  In fact Morrison became one of the world’s largest construction companies and even built the Hoover Dam.

Some other fun facts about Boise:

  • On New Year’s Eve a giant glowing potato is dropped outside the state capitol to thunderous applause.
  • Boise has the largest population of Basques outside of Spain.
  • “Breaking Bad” actor Aaron Paul (aka Jesse Pinkman) graduated from high school in Boise.
  • Boise has the largest geothermal system in the country.  From a fault line at the base of the Boise Foothills,  170 degree water winds its ways through pipes beneath the downtown streets of Boise, heating up buildings in the winter.
  • Boise State University has a bright blue football field.
  • The co-inventor of the TV remote, Robert Aldler, lived in Boise for many years until he passed at age 93.
  • Boise has the 3rd largest statue of Abraham Lincoln in the world at over nine feet tall and 6.500 lbs.

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