
Last Minute Trip to Maui

We’d planned a trip to Maui in 2020 but due to the 14-day Covid quarantine policy, we were unable to attend.  We were allowed to postpone, but like death and taxes (only not nearly as grim) we could only fight off the inevitable for so long.  We’d hoped the trip could wait until 2023 when were back in the western U.S., but poor us, we were given a “use it or lose it in 2022” notice.  It wasn’t ideal to fly in early December all the way from Florida to Hawaii and because the hotel had set this arbitrary deadline for everyone, we had to change rooms 4 times during our 7-night stay, but don’t feel sorry for us, we managed to work it all out. 

A few day prior to our flight, we camped at Hanna Park in Jacksonville Florida until we got Bailey settled with an amazing dogsitter through  We parked the RV at a WallyPark parking garage for $14/day and flew directly to Las Vegas, where we met up with my sister, Chelsea, and brother-in-law, Kyle.

After a disappointing day of having none of the clothes I ordered for the occasion fit, we boarded the flight and settled in for some fun!

We’d been to Maui with my sister more than once, but we were excited this time to share it with Kyle.  I’ll tell ya, there is nothing like that first step off the airplane into the warm floral scented breeze at the Maui airport to immediately loosen the knots in your shoulders and leave your worries for another day.  It never gets old.

It had been almost a year since I’d seen my sister in person and although we talk on the phone as often as possible, I enjoy spending time with her and her quirky, quick sense of humor.  While we were waiting outside for Doug and Kyle to get the rental car, I noticed this chicken randomly running around a recently washed car that was being vacuumed.  As I turned to ask my sister, “Do you think that chicken is someone’s pet and going back in that car?”, she looked over and a tanned, shirtless man popped out from the backseat he’d been vacuuming, and she said, “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” probably loud enough for him to hear.  That’s a typical moment with my sister!

So how was Maui?  Great!  I don’t know how anyone could have a bad time in paradise.

“I don’t know how anyone can have a bad time in paradise.”

-Wendy Heigel

Beach, Shopping, and a Luau

We spent the first full day on the beach.  The next day Kyle and Chelsea went into Lahaina to do some shopping while Doug and I stayed at the pool.  That evening, the four of us went into Lahaina for the Feast at Lele Luau.  It was a pretty beach setting and  a massive amount of food as they bring out 5 courses – one for each of the Pacific Island dances performed (Hawaii, New Zealand, Tahiti, and Samoa) plus dessert. It was not inexpensive, but if you’re a foodie, worth it!

The Road to Hana

The following day we got up early (which was  no easy feat for Kyle, who is literally a rock star for a living so he rarely goes to sleep before 2am or gets up before 10am) to drive the Road to Hana.    We missed the first banana bread stop and by the time we’d hit the second one, we’d rounded enough curves that Kyle was feeling pretty car-sick.  Later, I made the mistake of trying to stop at Nahiku Viewpoint, which had been my favorite off-the-beaten path stop on a prior trip, but this year it was closed off.  This  detour took up a lot of our time with no payoff.  Hamosa Beach was pretty despite the rain we had.  By the time we’d reached the Pipiwai Trail for the bamboo forest hike and waterfall, it was already late afternoon, but we’d been looking forward to doing this hike again.  The first time Chelsea, Doug and I went, we had a magical breeze that blew through the bamboo creating a drumline rhythm and although an uphill hike, we’d been rewarded at the end of the trail with the cool spray of the huge 400-ft Waimoku Falls.  This trip, there was no wind so the uphill hike was muggy and while we could see the huge waterfall, we were stopped  a good 1/4 mile from the waterfall.  Signs were posted to not proceed to feel it’s cool misty reward. 

Disappointed, Chelsea, Kyle, and I ducked right, off the main trail (just 10 short feet), to see the river, but Doug apparently didn’t know we had.  When Doug didn’t see us, he turned back towards the parking lot trying to catch up to us…only we’d never left the location.  Doug often violates the “don’t go any further signs” so when we returned to the trail, we assumed Doug had headed 180 degrees opposite the parking lot, towards the falls.  Kyle and Chelsea violated the posted sign and got a great view  of the falls afterall. I stayed at the last spot on the trail all 4 of us had been together, so we could reconnect with Doug. 

The hike wasn’t the same as the first time, but it had its own special moments and memories.  This was a good reminder that it’s nearly impossible to recreate a moment, so enjoy whichever moment you’re in, as each one is special in its own way!

“This was a good reminder that it’s nearly impossible to recreate a moment, so enjoy whichever moment you’re in, as each one is special in its own way!”

-Wendy Heigel

The sun was setting by the time we hiked back to the parking lot and thankfully, Kyle enjoyed being the driver of the dark, bumpy, steep, cliffside drive around the backside of the island.

Snorkeling Tour

Another early morning for Doug, Kyle and Chelsea the next day as they took the Maui Snorkel Charters tour to Molokini.  This boutique tour group offers a very personalized experience.  In addition to Kyle, Chelsea and Doug there were only 5 other guests on the tour.  The smaller boat allowed them to get closer to Molokini where they made two stops and saw a much larger variety of fish than seen from the shores of Maui.  On the way back, they also saw two types of doplhins and sea turtles!  I slept in and then read my book on the beach. We BBQ’d that evening.

Dinner and Hula Pie

We’d hoped to take Kyle to a snorkeling spot that Chelsea and Doug loved from years past and the Nakalele Blowhole, but after two early mornings and a lot of activities, we didn’t want their last day in Maui to turn into a grind, so we chose a beach day instead.  Kyle treated us to dinner with a view and some Hula Pie that evening. 

Lava Fields

The next day,  Kyle and Chelsea had to leave. After dropping them off at the airport, Doug and I went to the Lava Fields near La Perouse Bay.  Doug had hoped to snorkel, but it was very windy.  The walk was pleasant.

Our flights back to the Las Vegas and then on to Jacksonville, Florida were uneventful.  We arrived in Jacksonville to a bathed pup and homemade muffins from our Rover dogsitter!  Good fortune comes our way often and we’re thankful for it!

Wish we would have had more time with Chelsea and Kyle, but the time we did have was good quality time!  They’re more than family, they’re friends so we’re already looking forward to our next adventure with them…whatever and wherever that might be.

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