Scenic Cycling Travel

2 Days in Little Rock

If I join a band, I may name it “Two Days in Little Rock“…but as usual that comment has very little to do with this post. Although Little Rock is the largest city in Arkansas, it’s home to only…


Arkansas’ Unusual Urban National Park

I have an irrational aversion to bowling shoes and hot springs.  Invite me roller skating and I’ll throw those rented skates on like a disco queen, but bowling shoes (even though there’s a sock barrier) always grosses me out…


Visiting the Battle of Vicksburg

I was not a fan of history in school but I can’t get enough of it as an adult.  In high school, I was pretty sure knowing about some dead guy who lead an army in a war was not going…


Natchez – Go For The Homes, Return With The History

When cotton was king and slavery prevalent, Natchez, Mississippi was at its center.  The land and the river for transport made plantation owners here enormous fortunes.  In fact, before the civil war, Natchez was home to more millionaires per capita than any other American city..…


Driving the Redneck Riviera to Baton Rouge

By March 1, 2023, it was finally warm enough to move north of Florida!  (If we stay too long in freezing temps, the tanks full of fresh water, along with grey and black waste water, freeze up.  Like the…

Scenic Cycling Travel

Fort Pickens And Final Thoughts on Florida

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about touring the eastern U.S., it is that it’s the setting of a tumultuous past.  The many skirmishes and change of control in different areas between the Spanish, the French, and the English,…


I Love A Parade!

Our second HipCamp site in Florida was in the town of Apalachicola.  Say that 3 times fast. We met the fun-loving owner of the house, after having a little trouble with the electrical, which was quickly remedied.  She and her significant…