
Phoenix Friends and Family 2023

We were really excited to roll into Phoenix.  We hadn’t seen our best friends, the Grabowskis, or Hayden, Tressa and granddaughter, Claire, since January of 2022.  Claire would have been 15mo at that point and now she would be nearly 2.5years old!  Cindy would have been 640 months and now she was over 54.5 years!  Time really flies!

Other than an aquarium day with Claire, we didn’t do anything special and yet our time there was very special.  We had a brunch out with Tressa, Claire, and Hayden that was delicious.  We played with Claire at the house.  We went to a cool kids park and found our first hand how fearless our little granddaughter was…tackling big slides and rock walls!  We had good conversation about baby #2 that was on her way then (and is now here), some great meals and one day at the local aquarium, where we then saw how independent Claire was.  All in all loved every minute of time we were able to spend with them.

As usual at the Grabowskis we got a few RV repairs done, had some fantastic happy hours, picked Leo’s brain on new technology and ended up buying the best headphones I’ve ever owned, my BFF went shopping with me for a wedding guest dress and we had the plenty of laughs about life and talks about the future.

While we were there we had planned to get Bailey’s teeth cleaned.  When they went in to the do cleaning (under anesthesia) they found that she needed to have 8 teeth pulled!  She’s always had janky teeth…poor little thing…and although Doug brushes them nightly they had to come out.  This had us in the area longer than we expected so we did stay at a campground a few days just to give our gracious hosts a break!  Bailey is doing great!

Michael J Fox once said “Family is not an important thing.  It’s everything.” And friends and family fuel the soul so we’re grateful and thankful to have them and to get to spend time with them.  It was one of the reasons for this adventure and it’s been one of our favorite parts.

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