We lived in the Bay Area for many years and never once ventured into central California to visit Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon. What a mistake!
Doug may not strike you as a tree hugger, but I will say he never misses an opportunity to see a big tree:
- “Gus” the largest Larch tree in Montana (link to post here)
- the largest Sitka Spurce in Olympic Peninsula (more info here)
- the largest Ponderosa in Oregon
- the Giant Redwoods of northern California (Avenue of the Giants post here)
so it’s shocking that we never went to Sequoia National Park.
Why? Well, the General Sherman Giant Sequoia in Sequoia National Park isn’t just a big tree, it is considered the largest tree on earth (by volume)!
According to the national forest service some trees grow taller, and some are bigger around but no tree has greater mass! The amount of space taken up by its trunk is greater than any other tree. In fact, every year that this tree lives, it’s trunk thickens, gaining enough new wood to equal a very large tree of most other species.
To put the General Sherman in perspective, there’s another tree here called “The Sentinel”. It’s also a gigantic compared to most trees, but in the giant sequoia world The Sentinel is considered average. In fact, this 2,200 year old tree is surrounded by sequoias that are nearly twice as large.

After gawking at the big trees, we hiked Bear Trail / Moro Rock for amazing views!
Managed another 4.5 mile round trip hike to Tokopah Falls in Sequoia NP.
If that isn’t reason enough to make this trip, go for the great hiking, gushing waterfalls, and the scenic beauty along the drive through Kings Canyon.
We know there were fires in this area after we visited and that special metal foil wrapping of these huge trees was being done to try and protect them. I hope it worked!
If you’re in California and get an opportunity to visit, this is a great 3 day weekend getaway!