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New Brunswick


Reversing Falls and Downtown St. John

I love magic tricks and like most people I like to know how they’re done.  Once I find out though, I get a bit sad as now I know it won’t be fun to see the trick again.  This…


Fog Foils Fundy Trail Parkway

This 19-mile scenic drive hugs the coastline from Fundy National Park to St. Martins in southern New Brunswick. It boasts hiking trails, biking trails, 4 waterfalls, 7 beaches, more than 20 look-offs, a long suspension bridge across the Salmon…


Flower Pot Rock Art at Hopewell Rocks

Stop number 3, as we round the Bay of Fundy, is Hopewell Rocks. At Hopewell Rocks, which is on the New Brunswick side of the Bay of Fundy (rather than the Nova Scotia side), the tides rise and fall…


Songs, Spuds and a Spit on the way to Prince Edward Island

From Kouchibouguac National Park, we headed south towards the Confederation Bridge that would eventually take us to Prince Edward Island. On the way there we made 3 fun stops. SONGS  Winegarden Estates Ltd. in Baie Verte, New Brunswick is…


RVing Kouchibouguac National Park

From Quebec City (post here) we moved pretty quickly over to New Brunswick’s Kouchibouguac National Park. The drive there was really pretty and we made one overnight stop at Enclosure Park. The confluence of two major rivers at Enclosure…