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scenic cycle

Boondock With Bailey Scenic Cycling Travel

An Ode to Richardson’s Highway

An Ode to Richardson's HighwayOn Richardson’s Highway, where the wild winds call,Through the heart of Alaska where the mountains stand tall,The pavement unwinds in a ribbon of dreams,Past valleys and rivers and ever-clear streams.Rugged purple-blue mountains whisper tales from…

Scenic Cycling Travel

The Unexpected Beauty of the Yukon

It’s embarrassing to admit that while Doug’s first thought when someone mentions the Yukon is the classic Jack London novel “Call of the Wild” about an adventurous dog who becomes a sled dog.  Mine is the little miner named…

Scenic Cycling Travel

Why Whistler Is A Biking Paradise

Between leaving Phoenix and crossing the Canadian border we opted to visit as many friends and family as we could.  The next day we crossed into British Columbia gunning for the much-anticipated Sea to Sky Scenic Byway and the…

Scenic Cycling Travel

Lesser Known Yosemite Gems

More than 4 million people flock to Yosemite each year and for good reason.  It is home to 3 of the world’s 10 tallest waterfalls and although Yosemite Valley is only 1% of the national park, the valley contains:…

Scenic Cycling Travel

Little Lakes Loved By Locals

I was surprised to learn that the country with the most lakes in the world is Canada!  With 879,800 lakes, its lakes make up 62% of the world’s 1.42 million combined lakes!  Due to late summer fires in the…