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scenic cycle

Scenic Cycling Travel

Quebec City

From Montreal (post here) we followed the Saint Laurent River north to reach Quebec City.  Quebec City is not quite as bike friendly as Montreal, but it is still bike friendly and is also very walkable given its size…

Scenic Cycling Travel

What Makes Niagara Falls So Great?

Sometime old movies or television shows reference honeymooning in Niagara Falls, which always seemed weird to me.  I’d also heard that a lot of people travel to the US just to see it.  Again, seemed weird…that is, until we…

Scenic Cycling Travel

Harper’s Ferry and the Raid that Made History

You may recall from high school history lessons something about Harper’s Ferry in relation to the Civil War and you would be right!   Harper’s Ferry West Virginia has an interesting history and Harper’s Ferry National Historic Park brings that…

Lifestyle Travel

Chasing 70F: Our 2022 Eastern US RV Route

 Photo above courtesy of Ray Hennessy on Unsplash ROUTE UPDATE HERE Early in the year we posted our planned route through May of 2022 (link here).  Well, its time we updated you with some exciting news.  We’ve decided head…