
The Legend of Princess Green Mantle

The “Niagara of the North” is a bit of an overstatement but Kakabeka Falls in Ontario Province is still quite a lovely waterfall and canyon.  Plus it has an interesting Ojibwe legend associated with it about a chief’s daughter who upon hearing of an imminent attack by the Sioux, lead the attackers over the waterfall to their deaths, sparing her tribe.

Princess Green Mantle at Kakabeka Falls

Through rugged cliffs, its waters glide,
As legends whisper by its side.
Princess Green Mantle, brave and true,
Led her foes where rapids grew.

The falls took them all in warm embrace,
A spirt now in this sacred space.
The mists rise high, kissed by the breeze,
Echoing tales among the trees.

Great campground and a pleasant stop.

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