Photo above courtesy of Ray Hennessy on Unsplash ROUTE UPDATE HERE Early in the year we posted our planned route through May of 2022 (link here). Well, its time we updated you with some exciting news. We’ve decided head…
For most of us, picking up the mail is either a necessary evil or an easy way to get outside with a destination in mind. When you aren’t stationary for more than 2-4 days at a time, getting your…
Before the Covid shut downs, before the vaccines, before the politics, we bought an RV. We spent almost a year with a 3ft. x 5ft map attached to our dining room wall where we circled dream destinations and worked…
Selling your house, leaving your job and downsizing from over 2000 sq. ft. to about 200 sq. ft. brings with it some excitement but also some worry. Now that we’ve been in the RV full-time for over a year,…
We were able to spend part of February and part of March 2021 in Phoenix visiting our friends, the Grabowskis, Doug’s family friends Sharon and Brian Herndon, and Doug’s son, Hayden, daughter-in-law, Tressa, and their new bundle of joy,…
In 2019, we had decided we would quit our Bay Area jobs in early 2020 (which we did), sell our house, and hit the road full time in the RV for a travel sabbatical. Due to Covid, that timing…
Sometimes the world throws you a lifeline when you need it most. That lifeline in 2019 came in the form of some co-workers who are now great friends. Since Q4 of 2019, I’d been working, along with the other…
Friends often comment that they’re not sure they could pair down their wardrobe for full time RV living. I’ll admit that if you can’t live without your shoe collection or your purse collection paring down will be more challenging…
If you’ve been following our blog you know that we’ve been doing outdoor social distance visits with family and friends as well as spending time in nature. We’ve been asked about why we decided to RV full time, why…
Wow! I felt a collective shudder as I wrote that blog title. Marie Kondo lies? Never! That cute little cardiganed imp? NEVER! If you don’t already know who Marie Kondo is, she’s an organization expert (some might say wizard)…